
We want to protect all wild spaces and create more wild areas, providing conditions in which people can enjoy these spaces and live within these without paying anything for a season comfortably and safely, and more than all this, we want to promote all the information existing in the whole world of our mother Nature :D

We already have 12 places where any member can live there for free just need to respect the mother nature above all things :D

0.187903, -78.221510 - San Rafael de la Laguna, Ecuador - joanafierrod@gmail.com

51.013491, 13.324620 - Obergruna, Germany - gilmatoso@gmail.com

15.700463, 73.699509 - Paliyem, Índia - oasis.horizon2001@gmail.com

38.125810, 15.030126 - Scala di Patti, Italia - eco-adventure@mail.com

-40.816576, 173.928552 - D'Urville Island, New Zealand - ange_puff@yahoo.com

40.577952, -7.445880 - Cortiçô da Serra, Portugal - contact@ishtar-rathsi.com

39.564315, -8.553908 - Lugarinho, Portugal - gilmatoso@gmail.com

39.511902, -8.678506 - Minde, Portugal - gilmatoso@gmail.com

41.348774, -6.440369 - Urrós, Portugal - marisaurros@hotmail.com

40.243454, -4.580123 - Higuera de las Dueñas, Spain - javiercanogonzalez097@gmail.com

38.337279, -6.984677 - Zahínos, Spain - pablo_costillo@hotmail.com

36.598125, -85.933019 - Macon County, USA - shutupandgrowit@gmail.com

Enjoy it and please be thankfull to the mother Nature, the mother Earth and the father Sun :D

If you know a piece of Land where we can try this project for a while, tell us, 2000 m2 is enough for us and will be better if is close to a forest and close to a village, no more then 500m away, will be so great if we have not to pay to rent it :D

Thank you very much for remembering it :D

This is my wish for this new year :D

Help us Make a better world..

keep following our Facebook group and contribute information, events, videos, pictures or pages to do with the nature, living in harmony with all living beings, living off grid, permaculture, organic building, organic food growth, survival skills and much more things that are very interesting for us in our group Living Wild Association :D

Please share them to our Group, we will be very thankfull and if you share our request to your friends we will be very gratefull, help us, sharing information here is free of charges, you just need like 2 or 3 seconds pro sharing :D

Living Wild Association

We have now also other groups for some english non speakers :D

Associazione Vivere Selvaggio

Associação Viver Selvagem

Asociación Vivir Salvaje

Association Vivre Sauvage

Vereinigung Wild Leben

Our Main Page is :D


Our Blogger is :D
