BRAIN-STORMING in all the 6 Groups from our organization Living Wild Association :D
THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE FOR THE BEST ONESNOT UNDERSTAND??? TRANSLATE.GOGGLE.COMEveryone in the world is invited, we don´t care about the age, about your nacionality and about where are you now, you just need the internet, to play with us, just try to post every thing you see or think, this is impossible :D, your hands and the computers can´t yet compete with the human creativity and the human eye :D There are no rules you can do whatever you want, I just hope that we will collect a lot of good ideas for our
We have scheduled a 24h brainstorming to start at 00:00 and finish at 24:00 throughout the day of 10 March 2016, we will see who are the best 10 Brainstormers, we will count the posts from every member in this period and ones that had higher quantity will be the best ones, brainstorming have nothing to do with quality but to do with getting free, let everything come out, let your thoughts flow, use just the intuition, don´t use your brain, just hear your mind speaking to you throught your brain, just feel the great spirit that connect all living beens, show you the way and follow that way the faste you can, without thinking in nothing more and just doing what you thought at the 1st time.
In practice is a group of people get together and say all the ideas that come to their mind, without interruption for discussion any of the ideas, just writing so fast you can.
Of course in this case we will be almost all alone at home on facebook, but you can invite your friends home and let them help you having some ideas :D But we advice you to be alone.
Let's see who will be the first 10 classified, there are 6 groups all posts count we don´t care in wich group it´s posted, if is only a word or a text, image, video, page, web, just comments do not count because you are refering to the idea of the other member from the same group, we never tried this but I do it a lot, I just scroll the pages and when I feel my awaress wanting to see a something a little longer, I just postet :D
I want to say to all Administrators that they have to allow every post and from Friday until Sunday we will try to count all the posts that were made to see who are the winners, maybe nobody will read this and the winners would be getting very surprised that they wan a game without knowing that they were playing it :D
We wish you a wonderfull day tomorrow, we are getting a felling that tomorrow will be a great day and maybe could become the day most important in the history of our international Organization and we will make big celebrations all the years on 10 of March for all eternety :D Just enjoy yourselfs and don´t try to play this game if your first feeling when reed the word BRAINSTORMING was I am so stupid :D
Ok, this is enought, We don´t say more nothing :D Have fun :D